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    This interlining is called &ldquo;wash and wear&rdquo;interlining. Normally cotton fabric will crinkle after washing.
    While after using this interlining, this will be improved.


    ■ 具有較低的縮水率、熱縮率,縮水率、熱縮率指標遠低于國家標準。
    ■ 具有較強的粘合強度,粘合強度接近國家標準的二倍,保證成衣保型好。
    ■ 經高溫焙烘后(150℃&times;5min)粘合強度不但不下降,反而有所提升。
    ■ 具有優質的布面風格,采用特紡紗精心織造而成。


    Main properties
    ■ Extra low washing shrinkage, thermal shrinkage, which is much lower than national standard.
    ■ Extra high bonding strength, twice as National standard which guarantees good shape of garment.
    ■ Bonding strength can be higher after heating to shape by high temperature.
    ■ Good appearance of fabrics weaved by specially selected yarn.

